Friday, December 14, 2007

Raiist Majeere

Muwahahaha! Raiist Majeere! What can I say about the Magician Class. It is truly the bar I set when comparing all pet classes to. I grinded this class all the way to level 65 with 33AA. There was no other class besides necro that could outlast me. Except the Beastlord when they made them ungodly powerful. My favorite skill was monster summoning as I could use any monster in the zone as my personal pet. I took this toon all the way to elemental raids taking down Theris Thule, Monocreatic Behemoth, Vox and Nagafen just to name a few. With this character I would help shape Obsidian into the premiere Family Guild on Drinal. We were known to always and exclusively hang out and party. We held the greatest drunkin noob runs ever. We would call impromptu arena duels that would last ALL night. The mead and merriment ran continuosly. Who knew by the year 2004 that a rift was going to tear the Guild apart. With the impending Launch of EQ2 our Guild Leader was going to just sit back and watch half the Guild leave for the so called bigger and better sequel. I opted to lead them in the new land and embark on one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had.....Guildmaster!

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